Topic: Sicilians are mixed, look inside Erroneous E
rasol Member Posts: 3659 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 16 June 2005 07:38 AM
Erroneous continues his stalling: This has no bearing on E3b in the Khwe
Then stop stalling and deflecting the issue and answer the question.... quote: Top Dog writes: if E3b is Caucasoid, please state the name and population of this Caucasoid group.
5 days, no answer Erroneous...WHY IS THAT? What's taking so long? IP: Logged |
COBRA Member Posts: 168 Registered: Apr 2005
posted 16 June 2005 07:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by Evil Euro: All Khoisan are now mixed with Bantu migrants. The Khwe are just a little more mixed:"The impact of the Bantu expansion on pre-existing hunter-gatherer communities was genetically appreciable. The contribution of Bantu-speaking peoples to the male-specific gene pool of the Pygmies is >50%, and a similar degree of admixture is detected also in the Khoisan-speaking !Kung (45%) and Khwe (58%). These Y-chromosome data agree with mtDNA data showing a [b]higher "Bantu component" in the Khwe than in the !Kung, and they also correlate with the physical appearance of the former." (Source) This has no bearing on E3b in the Khwe, which is of pre-historic East African origin, not recent Bantu origin. [/B]
So Evil Euro, what do you think of current day East-Africans regarding their admixture in these current moment. excluding the bantus.
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Evil Euro Member Posts: 484 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 17 June 2005 07:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by rasol: 5 days, no answer Erroneous...WHY IS THAT? What's taking so long?
I've already answered, dumb spook. The first E3b carriers were racially unformed with affinities to Eurasians but not "Black Africans". They became Caucasoid when they traveled OOA at the precise time that modern races started forming. Now . . .
1 month, no answer Ape...WHY IS THAT? - If Angel's "negroid nose and mouth traits" represent black racial admixture, then where are the other Negroid traits? Where's the Negroid hair type, skull shape, skeletal form, pigmentation etc.? Funny how these Nomadic Neolithic Niggas transmitted only two of their traits to the Levantines and Greeks. Funny also that in his more detailed analyses, Angel makes no mention of a Negroid racial strain in either Neolithic farmers or modern Greeks. Neither does Coon for that matter. Nor Brace. Any answers, Negroes?
- If Arnaiz-Villena's HLA-DRB1 study on Greek-Ethiopian affinities is anything more than junk science, then why has it been rejected by not one, not two, not three, but FOUR world-renowned geneticists? And why have its results never been duplicated by a single other genetic study -- even those conducted using the same HLA genes that Arnaiz-Villena analyzed? This is quite remarkable indeed, but I'm sure the Negroes have a very good explanation. We're all waiting to hear it.
4 months, no answer Ape...WHY IS THAT?
BOTTOM LINE What's taking so long?
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rasol Member Posts: 3659 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 17 June 2005 08:31 AM
quote: I've already answered, the first E3b carriers were racially unformed. They became Caucasoid when they traveled OOA
Sorry but your pathetic squirming does NOT answer the question. Native E3b*(M35) groups like the Khwe never 'traveled out of Africa', that's why E3b*(M35) is negligible outside of Africa. E3b is a Sub-saharan African haplotype - [PA Underhill] E3b's descendant, E3b1 gamma is exclusively East African - [Sanchez]. Europe's ancestors left Africa 10's of thousands of years BEFORE the existence of Pn2 clade or Benin [sickle cell] haplotype. Hence they had no E3b or Benin haplotype until they inherited it as recent downstream admixture from Black Africa. Everyone else is intelligent enough to understand the above Erroneous, so what's taking YOU so long? It would appear that you are inordinately stupid. Did Dienekes Pontikos permanently damage your brain, or what? It's starting to look like it. The question at hand remains unanswered. Try again: quote: Top Dog writes: The South African Khwe have E3b*-M35 at a far higher frequency than any East African group. If E3b is Caucasoid, please state the name and population of this Caucasoid group.
[???]Simple question. No answer. We're still waiting.  You can't answer because you are a phony and an idiot, just like your master - Dienekes. We know it, and you know it too. The way you run back to him for new explanations [one of the reasons you keep contradicting yourself], is quite amusing. Lastly, as for your spamming your irrelevant so called "questions." [which are really red herrings] They have all been answered, and by mutliple posters, so stop stalling. quote: Erroneous writes: BOTTOM LINE.... that Top Dog is beating a red headed step child. ENJOY THE ABUSE. Obviously you do. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 17 June 2005).] IP: Logged |
osirion Member Posts: 335 Registered: May 2005
posted 18 June 2005 01:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by Evil Euro: I've already answered, dumb spook. The first E3b carriers were racially unformed with affinities to Eurasians but [b]not "Black Africans". They became Caucasoid when they traveled OOA at the precise time that modern races started forming. Now . . .
1 month, no answer Ape...WHY IS THAT? - If Angel's "negroid nose and mouth traits" represent black racial admixture, then where are the other Negroid traits? Where's the Negroid hair type, skull shape, skeletal form, pigmentation etc.? Funny how these Nomadic Neolithic Niggas transmitted only two of their traits to the Levantines and Greeks. Funny also that in his more detailed analyses, Angel makes no mention of a Negroid racial strain in either Neolithic farmers or modern Greeks. Neither does Coon for that matter. Nor Brace. Any answers, Negroes?
- If Arnaiz-Villena's HLA-DRB1 study on Greek-Ethiopian affinities is anything more than junk science, then why has it been rejected by not one, not two, not three, but FOUR world-renowned geneticists? And why have its results never been duplicated by a single other genetic study -- even those conducted using the same HLA genes that Arnaiz-Villena analyzed? This is quite remarkable indeed, but I'm sure the Negroes have a very good explanation. We're all waiting to hear it.
4 months, no answer Ape...WHY IS THAT?
BOTTOM LINE What's taking so long?[/B]
Come again, you seem to contradict everything I have heard from you for over 5 months. You said that E3b was a Caucasoid marker and now you are saying that it is only a Caucasoid marker when it is found Out of Africa?
quote: They became Caucasoid when they traveled OOA (out of Africa)
What happened to your ancient Caucasoid East Africans? Oh I get it. That was a bunch of crap nonsense and you finally realize that and are trying to hid your moronic imbecile Neaderthalic confusion. So now only the E3b thats not in Africa is Caucasoid since obviously the highest frequency of E3b is found in Kenyans and they are not very Caucasoid are they - even with a liberal definition of Caucasoid - they aren't Caucasoid enough to your liking so now we have to come up with a new fantasy: The OOA E3b Caucasoids. Yeah, the ones that did make it to the Caucas mountains and back. East Africans are no more Caucasoid than Australian Amborigines are Negroid - but then such racial definitions have been shot down anyways. Again, what the hell does the Caucas mountains got to DO WITH EAST AFRICA!
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Topdog Member Posts: 215 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 18 June 2005 02:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by Evil Euro: All Khoisan are now mixed with Bantu migrants. The Khwe are just a little more mixed:"The impact of the Bantu expansion on pre-existing hunter-gatherer communities was genetically appreciable. The contribution of Bantu-speaking peoples to the male-specific gene pool of the Pygmies is >50%, and a similar degree of admixture is detected also in the Khoisan-speaking !Kung (45%) and Khwe (58%). These Y-chromosome data agree with mtDNA data showing a [b]higher "Bantu component" in the Khwe than in the !Kung, and they also correlate with the physical appearance of the former." (Source)
Your 'source' [a site full of spelling errors done by a layman and *NOT* a geneticist nor does it even reference one to support its claims] can't even accurately post the correct numbers of mixture. The genetic evidence *DOES NOT* support the assertion made by your 'source' that Khwe became heavily differentiated through mixture for the Khwe are 58% E(xE3b) and 31% E-M35*. The other 11% is likely ancestral African haplogroups A and B. The !Kung on the other hand are 45% E(xE3b) and 11% E-M35* with the rest being no doubt A and B haplogroups, this data goes against the Khwe being slightly more 'mixed' than the !Kung, rather they support the Khwe being the likely source population that possessed both the original E3a and E3b-M35* lineages that originated from a population in sub-Saharan Africa as Luis et tal has stated. It seems most likely that the Khwe actually migrated south and absorbed Khoisan[or rather ancestral African A and B haplogroups] and adopted the Khoisan language, which wouldn't be unusual since several surrounding Bantu speaking groups use clicks in their languages.The Khwe just adopted the entire language. What I said is supported by a *GENETIC* study, not some obscure site with spelling errors sloppily written: ""The Vasikela Kung and the Khwe both speak Khoisan languages. However, the Khwe have a physical appearance that is more similar to that seen in many Bantu-derived populations than to that of the Vasikela Kung. Therefore, the Khwe may have originated from the Bantu migration into southern Africa and subsequently may have adopted the Khoisan language. This possibility is supported both by the striking differences between the population-specific haplotypes of the Kung San () and those of the Bantu-speaking Senegalese () and by the greater similarities between the Khwe and Senegalese haplotypes than between the Kung and the Khwe haplotypes." [Chen et tal, 2000] So from the above information cited from a *PUBLISHED* genetic source, Khwe are migrants into southern Africa who adopted the Khoisan language and spread E-M35* into neighboring Khoisan peoples. The Khwe have the highest frequency of E-M35* seen in any population and the hypothesis that they got it from East Africans is rejected on the fact that the split between ´'Khoisan' and 'Ethiopians' involved haplogroups A and B and *PRECEDED* the rise of E-M35*. Indeed haplogroups A and B are the deepest pateranl clades found in all humans and Ethiopians and Khoisan share them, but E-M35* is *NOT* East African in origin. Please post proof that it is. I've already cited Luis et tal who said that E-M35 comes from ancestral E-M35* that arose in sub-Saharan Africa and spread to East Africa, now how hard is it to read and comprehend studies you idiot? The Khwe have E3b* which is stated to be *SUB-SAHARAN*[which means not from north or east Africa in literature]. E3b is derived from sub-Saharan E3b* thus E3b is East African *PHYLOGENETICALLY* speaking while E3b* is sub-Saharan. Get your facts straight you idiot, the Khwe didn't get E3b from E3b*.
[This message has been edited by Topdog (edited 18 June 2005).] IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 484 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 18 June 2005 07:35 AM
quote: Originally posted by rasol: Native E3b*(M35) groups like the Khwe never 'traveled out of Africa'
Correct. They stayed in Africa and mixed with Bantus, which is why they now look like you. Their E3b is a remnant of an earlier generalized population that had Eurasian, but not Black African, affinities. Everyone else is intelligent enough to understand the above Ape, so what's taking YOU so long? quote: They have all been answered, and by mutliple posters, so stop stalling.
Sorry, but your uninformed Afro-opinions do NOT answer the questions. Try again: quote: 1 month, no answer Ape...WHY IS THAT?- If Angel's "negroid nose and mouth traits" represent black racial admixture, then where are the other Negroid traits? Where's the Negroid hair type, skull shape, skeletal form, pigmentation etc.? Funny how these Nomadic Neolithic Niggas transmitted only two of their traits to the Levantines and Greeks. Funny also that in his more detailed analyses, Angel makes no mention of a Negroid racial strain in either Neolithic farmers or modern Greeks. Neither does Coon for that matter. Nor Brace. Any answers, Negroes?
- If Arnaiz-Villena's HLA-DRB1 study on Greek-Ethiopian affinities is anything more than junk science, then why has it been rejected by not one, not two, not three, but FOUR world-renowned geneticists? And why have its results never been duplicated by a single other genetic study -- even those conducted using the same HLA genes that Arnaiz-Villena analyzed? This is quite remarkable indeed, but I'm sure the Negroes have a very good explanation. We're all waiting to hear it.
4 months, no answer Ape...WHY IS THAT?
Simple questions. No answers. I'm still waiting.  You can't answer because you are a phony and an idiot, just like all other Afronuts. I know it, and you know it too. IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 484 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 18 June 2005 07:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by Topdog: "The Vasikela Kung and the Khwe both speak Khoisan languages. However, the Khwe have a physical appearance that is more similar to that seen in many Bantu-derived populations than to that of the Vasikela Kung. Therefore, the Khwe may have originated from the Bantu migration into southern Africa and subsequently may have adopted the Khoisan language. This possibility is supported both by the striking differences between the population-specific haplotypes of the Kung San () and those of the Bantu-speaking Senegalese () and by the greater similarities between the Khwe and Senegalese haplotypes than between the Kung and the Khwe haplotypes."
Are you seriously suggesting that the Khwe's E3b is of West African, Bantu origin like their E3a? If so, I'd like to see a source supporting that hypothesis. If not, then just accept that E3b isn't "Black African" and stop ranting. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 3659 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 18 June 2005 10:01 AM
quote: Erroneous writes: Everyone else is intelligent enough to understand....
....that you have no idea what you're talking about. Hence: quote: Djehuti asks Erroneous E: Stupid-Euro must either be so incredibly dumb or a glutton for punishment (or both)!!!For the past 6 months he come here talking the same tired old sh** only to be whipped and humiliated everytime! So, why does he keep doing it??!! inquiring minds want to know, Euro!
quote: Top Dog asks Erroneous E: The South African Khwe have E3b*-M35 at a far higher frequency than any East African group. If E3b is Caucasoid, please state the name and population of this Caucasoid group.
quote: Osirion asks Erroneous E: What happened to your ancient Caucasoid East Africans? Oh I get it. That was a bunch of crap nonsense and you finally realize that and are trying to hide your moronic imbecile Neaderthalic confusion.
We're waiting.  [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 18 June 2005).] IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 3659 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 18 June 2005 10:08 AM
quote: Osirion writes, Erroneous E, You said that E3b was a Caucasoid marker and now you are saying that it is only a Caucasoid marker when it is found Out of Africa?
Correct Osirion. Erroneous backtracking position is contemptibly contradictory, unintelligent and completely self defeating. He simply parrots Dienekes without understanding genetics, anthropology or African history, which is why he blindly blunders into such direct contradictions [as we have also seen in his dizzy claims that the Lemba Bantu 'group' with 'caucazoids'..until he is shown pictures of them...which prompts dizzy reversals, and reversals of reversals and so on]. Both African E3b-M35 and its direct descendant East African E3b1 gamma are essentially exclusive to Africa - Conversely - E3b1 [alpha], found in Greece is a recent derivative of East African E3b1, and NOT found IN Africa. Genetically Africa is the daddy, Southern Europe is a child, with multiple African, West Asian and European paternal lineages. The Greeks for example have a mixture of 23% African paternity, 22% West Asian, and less than 50% actual native European paternal lineage. The harder Erroneous runs away from this fact, the harder he RUNS BACK INTO IT. But then, such is the nature of spinning...... [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 18 June 2005).] IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 3659 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 18 June 2005 10:55 AM
quote: Top Dog writes: The Khwe have E3b* which is stated to be *SUB-SAHARAN*[which means not from north or east Africa in literature
Of course East Africa is also sub-saharan, and I think it's important to correct any implication to the contrary in ANY such study whenever possible. But your point is taken that E3b-M35 appears to have split from ancestral E3 south of the Horn and then moved up into the Horn and NorthEast AFrica, with E3b1 originating in the Horn and E3b2 possibly originating in the NorthEast. E3b1 derivitives spread across the Levant and into Europe along the Neolithic, and E3b2 derived spread from Northwest Africa to Europe during the Islamic conquest. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 18 June 2005).] IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 484 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 19 June 2005 07:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by rasol: Correct Osirion. Erroneous backtracking position is contemptibly contradictory, unintelligent and completely self defeating.
It's not backtracking, you little spook. It's called incorporating new information that your friend Topdog found and that you ignorantly patted him on the back for.  Chronology lesson for the dumb savage: - E3b originated 26,000 years ago. - Races didn't begin forming until 15-20,000 years ago. - E3b spread out of sub-Saharan Africa at this time. - Conclusion: OOA E3b is NOT Black. It's Caucasoid. quote: We're waiting...
...for Topdog's answer: Are you seriously suggesting that the Khwe's E3b is of West African, Bantu origin like their E3a? If so, I'd like to see a source supporting that hypothesis. If not, then just accept that E3b isn't "Black African" and stop ranting. well as yours: 1 month, no answer Ape...WHY IS THAT? - If Angel's "negroid nose and mouth traits" represent black racial admixture, then where are the other Negroid traits? Where's the Negroid hair type, skull shape, skeletal form, pigmentation etc.? Funny how these Nomadic Neolithic Niggas transmitted only two of their traits to the Levantines and Greeks. Funny also that in his more detailed analyses, Angel makes no mention of a Negroid racial strain in either Neolithic farmers or modern Greeks. Neither does Coon for that matter. Nor Brace. Any answers, Negroes?
- If Arnaiz-Villena's HLA-DRB1 study on Greek-Ethiopian affinities is anything more than junk science, then why has it been rejected by not one, not two, not three, but FOUR world-renowned geneticists? And why have its results never been duplicated by a single other genetic study -- even those conducted using the same HLA genes that Arnaiz-Villena analyzed? This is quite remarkable indeed, but I'm sure the Negroes have a very good explanation. We're all waiting to hear it.
4 months, no answer Ape...WHY IS THAT?
rasol Member Posts: 3659 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 19 June 2005 09:51 AM
FOUND! Erroneous answers everyones questions.  quote: Djehuti asks Erroneous E: Stupid-Euro must either be so incredibly dumb or a glutton for punishment (or both)!!!For the past 6 months he come here talking the same tired old sh** only to be whipped and humiliated everytime! So, why does he keep doing it??!! inquiring minds want to know, Euro!
Erroneous replies: Good Question!, the answer is I suffer from multiple mental disorders, including: perserveration. People with mental retardation often engage in perseveration, a defense mechanism involving continuous, meaningless repetition of words, or movements, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder. - Institute for Craniofacial research quote: Top Dog asks Erroneous E: The South African Khwe have E3b*-M35 at a far higher frequency than any East African group. If E3b is Caucasoid, please state the name and population of this Caucasoid group.
Erroneous writes: It's simple Top Dog, there isn't any. I was just lying. These lies have worked for me in the past, but I usually converse with other white racist Neanderthal-hybrid losers who are stupid as I am. You are smarter than I and vastly more knowledgeable, and so you ALWAYS catch me lying. Then, I just vomit childish racist ephitats at you and refuse to answer, while moving on to another lie. I call it incorporating 'new' information. But I also continue to re-post old links to old lies. The very lies that I now deny ever having told, all the while begging you to DEBUNK them again, even though I have now refuted my own past posts. It helps that I am none too bright, and apparently incapable of coherent thought.
quote: Osirion asks Erroneous E: What happened to your ancient Caucasoid East Africans? Oh I get it. That was a bunch of crap nonsense and you finally realize that and are trying to hide your moronic imbecile Neanderthalic confusion.
Erroneous confesses: Guilty as charged Osirion. It seems you all understand me quite well. Unfortunately a lack of self awareness is a part of my mental condition. So I will retreat into denial and go back to what I do best, my defense mechanism: Erroneous, perservering, by chasing his BOTTOM...line. yours truly {and quite madly} - Erroneous Euro.  [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 19 June 2005).] IP: Logged |
Tony_Soprano Junior Member Posts: 3 Registered: May 2005
posted 20 June 2005 04:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Evil Euro: All that Calo's "findings" based on blood groups "support" are other "findings" based on blood groups that date from the 1970s, as well as a refuted Semino mtDNA paper from the 80s. As usual, your selection of material is impeccable.  Now where are your answers for [b]all of this RELIABLE data, you retarded spook?[/B]
RM's monkey ass still has no answers for this, his illiteracy notwithstanding. IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 484 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 20 June 2005 07:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by rasol: FOUND! Erroneous answers everyones questions.
If you have no answers, just say so. Don't launch into a lame "comedy" routine to try to save face. That just makes you look even more pathetic and defeated. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 3659 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 20 June 2005 09:39 AM
quote: Erroneous non-responses with: If you have no answers, just say so
YOU have no answer. We ALL say so.  quote: Top Dog writes: if E3b is Caucasoid, please state the name and population of this Caucasoid group??????
quote: Erroneous non response: Don't launch a lame comedy routine
ROTFL! You ARE a lame comedy routine babbling about nothing but NEVER ACTUALLY ANSWERING. Keep chasing your Bottom line [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 20 June 2005).] IP: Logged |
yazid904 Junior Member Posts: 20 Registered: May 2005
posted 20 June 2005 03:15 PM
"Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence".IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 3659 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 20 June 2005 04:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by yazid904: "Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence"......
you left out the rest... however, absence of evidence is CERTAINLY NOT evidence of presence.  IP: Logged |