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Author | Topic: There's no arguing with Afronuts |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Very insightful passage from a review of Not Out of Africa about the futility of "debating" Afronuts and other ideologues. I can relate: "It is not an accident that the students of Afrocentrism and catastrophism act more like disciples of a guru than students of a scientific teacher. They are on a mission, not a quest. And, as with many before them with noble goals, they believe the end justifies the means. Hence, it is nearly futile to engage them in debate. Scholars have difficulty debating opponents such as Afrocentrists, catastrophists, creationists or even anti-abortionists, because they expect their opponents to be civil and play by the rules of scholarly evidence. They mistakenly believe they have entered an arena where all sides are in quest of the same truth. What they are actually getting into is a street fight, where the goal is to defeat and humiliate your enemy. Their opponents don't follow traditional standards of evidence in their printed arguments and diatribes, so why expect them to be any different in a public debate? If you challenge their accuracy, they will question your integrity. If you ask for evidence, they will insult you. If you challenge their sources, you will be asked to prove the absolute certainty of your sources. You think the arena is an intellectual one where the combatants use wit and intelligence to score points, but while you are looking above your opponent's shoulders, he will kick you in the groin. You may have the evidence and the arguments on your side but your opponent doesn't care about the evidence and is not interested in your arguments. He already knows the truth." http://skepdic.com/refuge/lefko.html IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A better written, more balanced and deeper article with a broader perspective on the issue: Gregory M. Gordon, Eurocentrism (1996)
The birth and infancy of Western Civilization. Also known as the Greco-Roman era. Greek civilization would have flourished between 800BCE-30BCE. Roman civilization would have flourished between 30BCE to 600AD. Modern scholars consider these two civilizations to be the most advanced and innovative in antiquities, and modern scholars credit them for establishing the various branches of high knowledge such as math, science, engineering, architecture, philosophy, polity, and so on. Despite what European/Euro-American scholars have asserted for decades, the ancient Greeks and Romans often gave credit to older civilizations and the ancient Greco-Romans frequently admitted to borrowing ideas from the Egyptians and west Semitic civilizations. The Greco-Romans frequently expressed admiration for Egyptian and Nubian/Ethiopian contributions to world civilization. Modern European/Euro-American scholars often interpret the Greco-Roman writers as not being accurate in their accounts on outside influences on them, or their admiration for others as being grossly exaggerated. Modern European/Euro-American also argue that the ancient Greco-Romans were wrong when they describe most Egyptians as being black in appearance. These scholars frequently quote from a conservative African American historian (Frank Snowden, formerly of Howard University) as evidence of their assertion. Martin Bernal's Ancient Model Medieval Era/Dark Ages/Middle Ages (600AD to 1300AD) During the European medieval era, the time period represented a time of intellectual and cultural stagnation. Because of the powerful influence of the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire over the European people, the Church was successful in destroying many Greco-Roman documents/artifacts, because the Church considered such things to be sacrilegious. Scientists, artists, theologians, philosophers, writers, and so on who question or contradicted Church policy were either jailed, tortured or executed. It was a very anti-intellectual and anti-cultural atmosphere. Despite the medieval climate, Europeans continued to express great admiration for Egyptians and Ethiopians. Europeans held them (Egyptian and Ethiopic populations) in high regarded and artistically portrayed them as a darker race of people. They viewed Ethiopians as natural Christian allies during the Crusades (the Crusades involved a war between Christians and Moslems over who will control Jerusalem). Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in 378AD and the official religion of Ethiopia in 425AD. Europeans wanted to establish direct contact with the Ethiopians in order to form a coalition army against the Arab and Moorish Moslems in Palestine. Medieval Europeans in their literature frequently cited Prester John (a Christian Ethiopian King) as a key person in winning the Crusade against the Arab and Moorish Moslems. The Moslems purportedly kidnaped Prester John in a battle that took place in Jerusalem between Arabs Moslems and Ethiopian Christians and Jews. European literature and art frequently lamented over rescuing Prester John from the Moslem "infidels." Europeans had great difficulty establishing direct contact with Ethiopia, because the Arab Moslems controlled North Africa, especially Egypt. In 1400AD, Moslems were successful in attacking the Ethiopian Empire and suppressed the Ethiopian Christian and Jewish religions. Moslems forced the Ethiopian royalty to make Islam the official religion of Ethiopia. Rarely did classical or medieval Europeans refer to blacks in racist or negative references. Europeans, as well as Africans and other groups would have expressed ethnocentric biases, but not racial biases. During the medieval era, the Arabs/Moors successfully cut the Europeans off from the rest of the world. Moslems literally barricaded the Europeans into their own continent and rarely permitted them to come in or out. Europeans could not travel in Africa or Asia, because the Moslem armies prohibited such mobility. Marco Polo was one of the few Europeans to travel outside of Europe in the late 1200sAD. The European Renaissance (1300AD to 1600AD) The renaissance represented Europe's break from its intellectual and cultural malaise/stagnation. Scientists, philosophers, artists, writers, theologians were able to get away with criticizing the Church and political authority, and asserted their ideas and inventions without persecution. Instead of the Holy Roman Empire calling all the shots for Europe, nations came into existence by breaking away from the Holy Roman Empire. It was the rise of the modern nation state in Europe. In 1517, Martin Luther triggered the reformation, a break away from the Roman Catholic Church and the establishment of Protestantism. It greatly weakened the power of the Roman Catholic Church. During this time frame there was a re-birth (renaissance) of Greco-Roman ideas and inventions as well as an explosion of new European ideas and inventions. Some of the new European ideas and inventions in renaissance Europe came about because of heavy borrowings from Arab, Indian and Chinese societies. The heaviest borrowings were in the areas of science, technology and math. Marco Polo brought back to Europe many of those ideas, such as gun powder from China. Later borrowings were such things as the printing press and rag-content paper from China, Algebra, fire arms, advance medicine, advanced cartography, nautical instruments and wind-driven ships from the Arabs, and the mathematical concept of 0 and other mathematical and scientific principles from India. The European renaissance also represented European curiosity about the rest of the world and the desire to establish direct contact with them. As a result, Europe embarked on the age of exploration. Europeans launched naval expeditions to explore and establish trade contacts with Africa, India, China, and eventually the Americas. Because Europeans begin to have direct contacts with people of color and encountered different levels of their development, Europeans begin to "scientifically" classify human populations into "races" and levels of "civility" and "development". Many began to argue that there was a link between the three. The middle to latter part of the European renaissance triggered a shift in European thinking about people of color. As a result, Europeans (Caucasoids) began to think of themselves as racially superior to people of color, specifically the Africans (Negroids) and Asiatics/native Americans (Mongoloids). Most modern historians/scholars such as W.E.B. Dubois, Withrop Jordan, St. Clair Drake, and Martin Bernal argue that this was the birth of racism. This new thinking began to manifest itself in European literature as early as the late 1400sAD, and definitely by the late 1500sAD (Withrop Jordan of Harvard University is widely considered as the leading expert on this subject). These scholars argue that the Atlantic slave trade of Africans to the Americas and the European conquest over the native Americans in the Americas dovetailed with this new racist thinking, and ultimately manifested itself as an intellectual justification. Martin Bernal's Aryan Model The Enlightenment (1600AD to 1800AD) and the Romantic Eras (1800AD to 1900AD) During the Enlightenment era in Europe and Euro-North America, there was a great emphasis on rationalism and the scientific method. There was a debate over faith versus reasoning. It was argued that Caucasians were the only race capable of "rational thinking." Other races relied on "emotions" or "bestial desires." Enlightenment "scientists" argued that there was a genetic link between race and intelligence, race and physical constitution, race and behavior, and race and material development. These arguments were recently waged by a Harvard University scholar and a MIT scholar in a 1994/1995 best selling book entitled The Bell Curve. Social critics ranging from William Bennet to George Will praised the book for its cutting edge scholarship and brave insights. Enlightenment era European and Euro-American "scientists" begin to place a rank or pecking order from the most superior to most inferior races. They have surmised that Caucasoids (Europeans, whites) were the most superior, Mongoloids (Asiatics, native Americans, or the yellows, browns and reds) were moderate, and Negroids (sub-Sahara Africans, Indian Dravidians, etc., blacks) were the most inferior. European "scholars" began to argue that Negroes were not even human. European "scholars" argued that Negroes were supposedly genetically closer to lower primates (apes, guerrillas, monkeys, chimpanzees, etc.) than modern homo sapien sapiens or modern human beings. Enlightenment and Romantic era "scholars" began to justify the enslavement of Africans because of the Negro's supposed genetic "inferiority" to Caucasians, and white justification of native American genocide and territorial conquest because of the native American's supposed genetic "inferiority" to Caucasians. Despite the classical and medieval European belief of Egyptians and Ethiopians as being mostly a black or Negro race of people, the new paradigm/thinking during the Enlightenment/Romantic eras was to re-classify north east Africans/Nilotic-Saharans as Caucasians, to diminish black/Negro contributions to world civilization. Martin Bernal argues that the Aryan model soon replaced the Ancient model in order to bolster white supremacy and to inflate European/Western contributions to world civilization. Martin Bernal's Extreme Aryan Model The Archeological Age (1900AD to 1945AD) Queen Victoria, who reigned over the British Empire wanted to assert that England was the most superior country in the world, both past and present. She ordered the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and the University of London to spearhead archeological excavations in England to "prove" the superiority of the English. The field of archeology came into existence as a result. Scholars begin to argue the "scientific" validity of archeology and its accuracy. After "proving" the "superiority" of the ancient English people, British archeologists begin to influence the academies throughout the West with this new "science", especially in France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and so on. In order to bolster the claim of a superior ancient English population, the field of comparative archeology came into existence. They (the Brits) wanted to compare their ancient civilization to other ancient civilizations in Nilotic Africa, the Middle East, south Asia and east Asia. In order to better verify the "scientific" findings, the field of Anthropology began to flourish as a new discipline in the academy. In maintaining and expanding the philosophy and belief in white supremacy, and the hierarchy of races, new paradigms, schools of thought and political movements begin to blossom and influence Western academies between 1900AD to 1945AD. There was the emergence of social Darwinism (as argued by historian Richard Hofsteader, in Social Darwinism in American Thought), Eugenics (as asserted by Steven Gould in The Mismeasurement of Man), the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Quotion Test (IQ test), Fascism and Nazism. Social Darwinism, Eugenics and the IQ test were American inventions. In addition to already claiming that Egyptians and Ethiopians were non-Negroes or Caucasians, through archeology and anthropology, European and Euro-American "scholars" also begin to re-classify most middle eastern populations and the populations of India (except the Dravidians) as Caucasian. Because of the great ancient civilizations in the Middle East and the Asian sub-continent (India), which eclipsed those in the West in terms of development, Western "scientists" set out to prove an Aryan (northern Europeans) influence on those ancient civilizations. Although the term Aryan is really a linguistic term and not a racial term, between 1900 to 1945, the term Aryan to many meant the most genetically and intellectually "superior" within the Caucasian race. More "superior" than the Roman or Slavic (both terms are also linguistic terms and not racial/genetic terms) extractions within the Caucasian race. Aryan is technically the language family of northern Europe such as German, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English, Dutch, Afrikaner and so on). Western "scientists" begin to argue that German/Aryan tribes migrated and influenced ancient Egyptian civilization, Greek civilization, Roman civilization, Hittite/Turkish civilization, Assyrian civilization, Persian civilization, and Indian/Hindu civilization, and Sino-Tibetan (Chinese) civilization. Western "scholars" begin to argue that Sanskrit, an Indian writing system (circa 2500BCE) that pre-dates the Greek writing system (circa 1500BCE) has many verbal Aryan cognets and rules. Therefore, Western scholars concluded that Aryan tribes invented the Sanskrit writing system in northwest India/Pakistan and put Indian/Hindu civilization into orbit. The implication was that the Aryans, not the Indians invented Sanskrit. It was also argued that the Aryan tribes mixed with the Indians and therefore, influenced the rest of the Indian sub-continent. Because of this, scholars begin to re-classify language families into new categories, such as the Indo-European (from India to Persia/Iran, Anatolian/Turkey all the way through Europe and ultimately to Ireland!) or the Indo-Aryan language family. Other re-classifications were the Hamito-Semitic (Egyptian, Berber, Hebrew, Arabic), and Bantu (sub-Saharan Africa or "black" Africa). Cushitic (Nubian, Ethiopian, Somolian, etc.) could not be classified, therefore, it was often linked to Hamito-Semitic. Cushites were not suppose to be associated with Negroes, because they were supposedly too advanced to be such. The fields of archeology and anthropology became the very tools of white/Aryan supremacy during this era (such as depicted in the movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark?). Famous Egyptologists from Randall McIvers to Arthur Weigal epitomized the traditions of the extreme Aryan model. Weigal, in his book The Life and Times of Akenaten (1923) and other books asserted that the Nubian rule in 25th Dynasty (800BCE to 600BCE) over Egypt and other regions was "an epoch of nigger domination" in world history (also see Lerone Bennett's They Came Before the Mayflower). There was an interesting contradiction in Weigal's racist statement, and that is his acknowledgment that the Nubians were black! The Post-Modern Era (1945AD to the Present) Martin Bernal's Revised Ancient Model and Revised Aryan Model Because of World War II and the defeat of the 3rd Reich and Adolph Hitler, and the defeat of Benito Mussolini, the era of Aryan nationalism came to an end. Despite Aryan supremacists being driven underground, some continued to flourish in Western academies after World War II. Between 1945 to 1960, the paradigm of Aryan influences on everything continued, but was significantly toned down. Martin Bernal refers to this as the rise of the revised Aryan model. The new school of thought involved "possible" instead of "definite" Aryan influences on most ancient cultures, but a greater acknowledgment on indigenous influences on one's own civilization. With the rise of new scholars competing in the academy and challenging old paradigms since the 1960s, with scholars such as British historian Basil Davidson; Senegalese Egyptologist Chieka Anta Diop; African American Egyptologists St. Clair Drake, Ivan Van Sertima and Molief Asante; as well as the Euro-American Egyptologist Martin Bernal, they as well as others began to challenge the conventional wisdom and central orthodoxy in the academy of a white/Caucasian Egypt. They argued that based on the new scientific tools of carbon 13 and 14 dating, amino acids testing, skin melanin testing, racial markers, lactos intake and vitamin D, DNA, physical anthropology, comparative linguistics, and so on, the ancient Egyptian population (not the population of Egypt today) was a predominately Negro and mulatto population, with Caucasian types being the numerical minority population. These scholars also argue that Egyptian and Semitic populations colonized Greece and put Western civilization into orbit as a result of their direct influences. The Egyptologists who belong to this thinking are associated with the revised Ancient model. Today, although the majority of Egyptologists in the world subscribe to the revised Aryan model approach, a growing number of Egyptologists are now converting to the revised Ancient model approach. Today, the strongest supporters of the revised Ancient model are Martin Bernal Black Athena, Ivan Van Sertima Egypt Revisited, and Basil Davidson Africa in History while the strongest supporters of the revised Aryan model are Dinesh D'Sousa ( an immigrant from India and a fellow at the conservative think tank, the American Enterprise Institute) in his books Illiberal Education and The End of Racism; Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. (an American History professor who taught a Harvard for over 45 years) in The Disuniting of America; Mary Leftkowitz in Not Out of Africa and Black Athena Revisited (a Classicist from Wellesley College and not a trained Egyptologist) and Frank Snowden (a Classicist formerly of Howard University who taught there for over 45 years) in Without Color Prejudice: Ethiopia in the Greco-Roman World. IP: Logged |
Horemheb Member Posts: 903 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() evil, What a great article and right on the money. There is little if any scholarship going on with these people. The wildest is the group that wants to tie Africa to Greece, just as nutty as a fruitcake. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Hmm. Well the Ancient Greeks themselves related their society to Africa as Martin Bernal points out. What's wild is claiming a European/West Asian Origin for Kemet. A far fetched notion no longer supported by even main stream western academia, and yet still asserted (weakly) by Professor Horemheb. IP: Logged |
Thought2 Member Posts: 993 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Thought Writes: Many of the trollers on this forum have anti-African bias, yet they try and conceal it under the guise of pseudo-intellectual conservatism. I imagine the convoluted arguments espoused by “Evil E” and his kindred are not even believed by themselves. IP: Logged |
Horemheb Member Posts: 903 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Come on thought, you can do better than that. that is the old "if they don't agree with us they must be a racist" thing. It's old and worn out and you can do better. They don't agree with you, can you imagine such a thing. IP: Logged |
King_Scorpion Member Posts: 155 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Not in all cases no, but in your case and Evil's, etc.....yes. When you spout racist comments like monkey, boy, etc...people will see you as a racist redneck. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Such comments also betray a lack of self respect. A powerful point is made simply by not stooping to their level. IP: Logged |
Horemheb Member Posts: 903 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Bernal piece posted here shows its writer to be a wild eyed, fanatic left wing radical. We have far too many of the kooks in western universities, though we are about to fire one at the university of colorado. These guys are frustrated socialist and marxists. they are the losers in the evolution of world history and make up for their frustration by even more outlandish and silly ideas. the article was so distorted it would take considerable time to sift through it and correct its obvious errors. I'll do that when I have the time. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But you can't. And therein lies your problem.
quote: Oh good. You can pick up where you left off. Remember, it's - classicism, not classicalism, or classcialism.
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Thought2 Member Posts: 993 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Thought Writes: Attempting to label ones adversary is a tactic often utilized when one cannot stand on the facts alone. IP: Logged |
ABAZA Member Posts: 1181 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here is what one reviewer had to say about Martin Bernal's work:
The Repetition of Nonsense is nonetheless nonsense, December 26, 2001 I came across this whole controversy while in college and have kept up with the "debate" to some extent since. To make a long story short, Bernal's contentions of "history" have been dealt a fatal blow by Lefkowitz, Rogers, et all. Apparently Bernal believes that repeating the same old distortions, and yes unfortunately, out right lies, somehow qualifies as history. I italicized "debate" because on the one hand there are responsible historians using the tools and evidence of historians, and on the other there are name calling ad hominem attacks that provide little light but much heat on the matter. Don't waste your time with this rehash if you are already familiar with the controversy. Certainly nothing new, and frankly, one has to be a bit embarassed for Bernal et
quote: [This message has been edited by ABAZA (edited 23 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: You mean like when you labeled your adversaries "trolls" who harbor "anti-African bias"? And when rasol posted that long-winded rant about "Eurocentrism"? All because neither of you can refute these simple facts? IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: You mean this?
quote: Hit you where you live did it? Whine all you like, but the post accurately documents your fallacious rhetorical tactics which you are in fact.... still engaging in with your above utterly non-responsive reply. Better you should answer the questions in the original threads, than start a face-saving thread excusing yourself for having no answers. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 24 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
Thought2 Member Posts: 993 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Thought Writes: In that YOU use racist terms such as "monkey" to refer to Blacks AND the fact that you have avoided my questions for over a month now, it is safe to apply the term "racist troll" to you. IP: Logged |
Horemheb Member Posts: 903 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bernal does not debate, he simply spews a package of typical leftwing nonsense. He puts way too much stress on the racial views of Europeans. Europeans could care leass if Africans, Asians and Mesoamericans were white, green, black or pink. They were after wealth and they had the power to take it. Hell, they fought each other for centuries before they ran into these frontier nations. Its obvious that if Mr. Bernal read 'The Prince' he did not learn much from it. The world works on power and money, it always has and always will. All of this modern utopian garbage has never been able to change that reality. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In other words Professor - You have not actually read Black Athena. You don't know what classicism is. You don't have the foggiest clue as to what any of this really, is all about. You will continue to response with inanity because that is all you can do given the circumstances of your own self-policed ignorance. Thank you for playing. Next............ IP: Logged |
HERU Member Posts: 144 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: True story IP: Logged |
Horemheb Member Posts: 903 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Heru, No , I have not. I have read enough of it to know where Bernal is trying to go. If it were accepted scholarship it would be worth a read. Bernal is one of these left wing crack pots that have survived from the 60's. Bernal seems to want to imply that history is driven by race. Marxist historians early in the century made the same error by promoting the idea that history was driven by class relationships. In reality history is driven by many things, the accumulation of money and power being the most important. His view that Europenas distorted the contribution of Africans to the modern world is absurd and has been sounly refuted by reputable scholars. Africa has produced many colorful cultures but has not produced a single culture that has made any meaningful contribution to the progress of the modern world. These people would have you believe that black Africans produced a great culture in Egypt and then just fell off a cliff into obscurity. IP: Logged |
Horemheb Member Posts: 903 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() By the way guys I looked up the source listed above, Gregory M Gordon. he is what Evil Europe calls an Afronut. When you read his material the first thing out of nhis mouth is 'race.' He can be dismissed as yet another crack pot. IP: Logged |
ABAZA Member Posts: 1181 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here is another reviewer's opinion of Dr. Lefkowitz's rebuttal of Afrocentrism. Lefkowitz has defended the profession of teaching against those who would use the classroom as a pulpit for propaganda. And she has defended the standards of honesty and accuracy in the interpretation of history against the pseudohistorians who repress such values in favor of advancing political purposes. Watching her do this is like watching someone shoot fish in a barrel. My overall emotional response to Lefkowitz's obliteration of the opponents of historical accuracy and honesty is not one of joy but of disgust and sadness. We have witnessed a similar debacle in the debates over creationism vs. evolution with scholars such as Stephen Jay Gould stripping away the veneer of argument from creationists. Gould can hardly debate and argue with his opponents, for they have all but obliterated traditional standards of evidence and argument. So too with Lefkowtiz and her opponents. They distort and twist facts and interpretations of facts at will. Many scholars have been afraid to take on the creationists when they have threatened science and scientific knowledge, methods and standards. Textbook authors still kowtow to religious fundamentalists and falsify science in text after text by ignoring evolution or treating it as "just a theory, like creationism." Likewise, few scholars have publicly stated their opposition to Afrocentrism. Lefkowitz stands out as a voice in the academic wilderness, defending traditional standards of inductive reasoning to the most probable conclusions. It is as if the voices of relativism, historicism and the fear of being labelled a "racist" have silenced the majority of scholars and teachers.
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ABAZA Member Posts: 1181 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here is another academic attack on the AFRONUTS AND THEIR OUTLANDISH CLAIMS!! Chapter one describes how the author became involved in the debunking of Afrocentrism. At a lecture at Wellesley given by Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan, introduced as "a distinguished Egyptologist," she asked him what his evidence was for his claim that Aristotle had robbed the library at Alexandria and stolen his ideas from black Egyptians, when that library had not been built until after Aristotle's death. The Egyptologist said he resented the tone of her inquiry; several students called her a racist for asking such a question; and colleagues indicated that they were indifferent to the matter. IP: Logged |
ABAZA Member Posts: 1181 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() POETIC JUSTICE for the Traditionalists!! Watching her do this is like watching someone shoot fish in a barrel. IP: Logged |
HERU Member Posts: 144 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Its generally agreed that the early Egyptians were "southern". If Lefkowitz cites Keita (which she does), she agrees with this assessment. As far as your "Africa has produced many colorful cultures but has not produced a single culture that has made any meaningful contribution to the progress of the modern world" comment, I think this demonstrates your ignorance concerning ancient AND modern Africans. If Africans (ie: blacks) are so backward and inherently stupid (like you imply), why would the British mensa society dub a Nigerian the "smartest man alive"? As a matter of fact, there are quite a few Nigerians who have received prestigious awards for their contributions in fields related to science and technology. These facts alone make you a liar. IP: Logged |
lamin Member Posts: 183 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If the argument about "Africa not making contributions to the MODERN world is made" then the same argument could be made about the Native Americans, the South Asians(India, Pakistan, etc), West Asia(Iran, Afghanistan, etc.) and China. Of course all these nations and peoples plus Africa(Ancient Egypt, Nubia, Ghana, Mali, Songhay, Axum, Nok, Zimbabawe, etc.) made many contributions to world civilisation at times when Europeans(excluding the Greeks who are on the hinterlands of Europe) were abject savages(Champollion's actual observation). Let us say "bravo, Europe has finally achieved a few things; we were starting to get worried about its inhabitants. But they have shown that they can copycat well and come up with a few things". But what's really worrying is the incredible amount of violence that they have rained down on the world in their evolution from savagery to normalcy. But even so Africa has made unmistakeable contributions to the modern world by affecting and influencing the aesthetic life of humans in the areas of art and sculpture--all of so-called modern Western art springs from an African motif, and in the area of music expression. All of modern music expression in its myriad forms springs from an African aesthetic. Modern art in its abstract form of expression--cubism, etc--springs from Picasso and Mondrian being inspired by the complex expression of traditional African art. And modern music--in al its dimensions--doesn't really go for the simple, predictable and uncomplicated modes of traditional Western music. IP: Logged |
ausar Moderator Posts: 3339 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() lamin, not to mention the countless of herbal knowleadge that Africans have given to botanical and pharmacy companies. I was reading about two year back that the Massai had the ability to cure foot and mouth diease. How often such examples as Onesimus who taught his slave master Cotton Mather small pox inoculation used in his traditional homeland. He was from the region of Mali.
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Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Speaking of having no answers . . . http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/Forum8/HTML/001582.html IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: ...wherein you have no answers for Pereira, Anderson, Gonzalez, Keita, Angel, McCown, Pinhasi, or Semal. You also have no answers for Thought2: quote: You also have no answers for TopDog: quote: You also have no answers for S. Mohammad, re: "Why caucazoid genes don't exist" http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/Forum8/HTML/001543.html
[This message has been edited by rasol (edited 25 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
ABAZA Member Posts: 1181 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here Is Another Crack Pot Often Cited By Afrocentrics!! The Truth About Budge Why are there no books by Budge here? Sir E A Wallis Budge (1857-1934) published prolifically during his lifetime. The standard biographical study of Egyptologists summarises his achievements as follows: 'in his text editions, Budge was too prolific for careful work, and many of them are inaccurate by modern standards; he persisted in the use of an old system of transcription, and did not utilise many of the grammatical discoveries of the Berlin School; nevertheless without his phenomenal energy and devotion, many hieratic, Coptic, and other texts would not have become known and been made available until a much later date' (Who was who in Egyptology, 1995, p. 72). The usefulness of books by Sir Wallis Budge has been controversial. Budge ignored major developments made in the fields of transcription, grammar and lexicography, and was neglectful in matters of archaeology and provenance. Although he was an active collector, his publications fell behind contemporaneous scholarly standards and are now extremely outdated. Today, University students are strongly advised not to use them, because of their basic errors of fact and methodology. For this same reason the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan does not include any of Budge's books on its recommended reading list. Budge's works are still in print, but this is because they are out of copyright, and so the text can be cheaply reprinted. While they are well illustrated, full of information and extremely cheap, they are at best unreliable, and usually misleading. E.A. Wallis Budge in his office
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Horemheb Member Posts: 903 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We need to start a thread listing all of the political Afrocentric 'crack pots.' IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Err, why reinvent the wheel? http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/Forum8/HTML/001450.html
quote: Quite a list of crackpots. Personally, I think Horemheb is on crack and Abaza is smoking pot, but hey, to each his own. IP: Logged |
Roy_2k5 Member Posts: 146 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Aristotle and Plato are not only liars, but they are crackpots now. Then why do the Eurocentric education system of the West always focus on those two, along with others like Herodotus, etc. This must mean the West is on crack too. IP: Logged |
ABAZA Member Posts: 1181 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is just like the Afrocentrist's true scholarship and defective work. HERODOTUS: THE FATHER OF LIES ============================================= Introduction Herodotus' Histories strike the modern reader as rather curious stuff: an odd blend of history, anecdote, folk tale, gossip, tall tales, travelogue, and National Geographic special. Marincola's introduction (in de Sélincourt) provides a brief assessment of the work from a modern historian's point of view: its structure and overall form, Herodotus' sources, his biases, his trustworthiness. Here our concern will be the background to Herodotus' account and (briefly) approaches to evaluating his aims in writing this curious work. Today Herodotus is referred to (somewhat inaccurately) as the Father of History; in antiquity, by contrast, he was often called the Father of Lies. This evaluation is based in part on Herodotus' pro-Athenian biases (discussed below), but to a great degree it represents a reaction to the curious "tall tales" in which his work abounds: stories, e.g., of gold-digging ants the size of foxes (3.102-05); of races of people bald from birth (4.23) or with the feet of goats (4.25) or with only one eye (4.26); [FN 1] of bizarre sexual practices (these you'll have to find for yourselves!); of plants which, when thrown on a fire, emit a smoke that makes people drunk "just as wine does the Greeks" (1.202 — surely a bizarre fiction of some sort!) . [FN 2] This love of tall tales earned the censure, in particular, of Herodotus' younger contemporary, the historian Thucydides (as we'll see later in the course), who regards them as a sign that Herodotus is more interested in entertaining his audience and winning applause than in presenting a serious historical analysis.
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ABAZA Member Posts: 1181 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Introduction: We must first of all know that the entire Bible is corrupted and unreliable and is mostly filled with man-made laws and corruption! GOD Almighty Said: "`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)" The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)" In either translation, we clearly see that the Jews had so much corrupted the Bible with their man-made cultural laws, that they had turned the Bible into a lie! See Also Deuteronomy 31:25-29 where Moses peace be upon him predicted the corruption/tampering of the Law (Bible) after his death. The Book of Moses predicted that the Law (Bible) will get corrupted. The Book of Jeremiah which came approximately 826 years after did indeed confirm this corruption.
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Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: There's nothing to answer. Studies on low levels of maternal slave admixture in Portugal, the unreliable data of a borderline Afrocentric, and old references to primitive "negroid" traits are irrelevant compared to your inability to provide the hard genetic evidence requested of you.
quote: Um, I did answer him...in a brand new thread, no less. Try to keep up. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote:
quote: It's your admixture, your 'negroid traits', and your ancestry of which you are in denial and so relevant of course. That you believe referring to your southern European ancestors as slaves and primitive somehow mitigates this fact is rather sad, yet amusing in a cynical sort of way. And even your non-answers expose your contradictions: You deny the existence of pre-historic Black Africans. Yet when you are [often] confronted with proof of African skeletal remains in pre-historic Europe and Asia, you try a form of rationalisation...that they merely possess 'primitive' negroid traits- negroid traits from Africa. Africa, where you claim that negroid does not yet exist. Well, which is it? Which line of argument is supposed to 'explain'...... Journal of Human Evolution (1972) 1, 307 - 313 "...one can identify NEGROID traits of nose and prognathism appearing in natufian hunters and in Anatolian and MACEDONIAN first farmers (Angel, 1972), probably FROM NUBIA (Anderson, 1969) via the unknown predecessors of Badarians..."
Choose one course of deceit please and try to keep up with your own contradictions. Or perhaps you can just add it to the long list of questions to which you have no answers, along with these simple facts [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 26 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
Thought2 Member Posts: 993 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thought Posts: The Natufian Culture in the Levant, Threshiold to the origins of Agriculture Dr. Ofer Bar-Yosef - Professor of Anthropology at Harvard and Curator of Paleolithic Archaeology in the Peabody Museum “The climatic improvement after 14,500 B.P. seems to have been responsible for the presence of more stable human occupations in the steppic and desertic belts. Groups moved into areas that were previously uninhabited, from the Mediterranean steppe into the margins of the Syro-Arabian desert. Others came from the Nile Valley, creating an interesting social mosaic. The emergnce of the Natufian culture around 13,000 or 12,800 B.P. was a major turning point in the history of the Near East.” Thought Posts: A MESOLITHIC CRANIAL VAULT FROM THE CYCLOPE CAVE - YOURA By Dr. Nickos A. Poulianos - President of the Anthropological Association of Greece “At Voloshki a total of nine crania (six male and three female) have been found. Six of them are "Protomediterranean" and the other three (male) present also some Negroid features which remind of Mesolithic skulls from the M. East (Debetz, 1955), also similar to some of those from the coasts of N. Africa (Ferembach, 1962). However, they are quite different to the typically Negroid skulls found p.ex. in Kenya (Leaky, 1935) and in Sudan (Greene & Armelagos, 1972).” Thought Posts: The Origin Of Races By Carleton Coon “But, as we shall see later, there is fair evidence that the ancestors of the Bushmen were full sized people and that they evolved in North Africa…” Thought Posts: The People of Lerna J. Lawrence Angel “Although the first agricultural inhabitants of the belt from Syria-Israel-Jordan to North Africa were mainly rugged Mediterranean the eastern end of this belt shows some almost Bushmen-like Basic White as well as lateral traits as at Jericho…Egypt includes an almost Mouillian-Negroid early population, linear but with EXTRAORDINARILY BROAD NOSE and heavy and deep mouth region…” Thought Posts: The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: Evidence for Bidirectional Corridors of Human Migrations Luis et al. "A more RECENT dispersal out of Africa, represented by the E3b-M35 chromosomes, expanded northward during the mesolithic. The East African origin of this lineage is supported..." [This message has been edited by Thought2 (edited 26 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
ABAZA Member Posts: 1181 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() How can one argue or even debate with people, who quote from: 1. HERODOTUS - THE FATHER OF LIES!! 2. BUDGE - Discredited by his own people!! 3. THE BIBLE - Full of Errors!! 4. OTHER AFROCENTRISTS - Discredited Scholars 5. RACIST EUROPEANS - Irony in itself!! --------------------------------------------- The bottom line, is that these AFRO-NUTS are only good for ENTERTAINMENT VALUE and A FEW LAUGHS!! Even AFRICAN AMERICAN SCHOLARS, discredit and explictly denounce their work as NONSENSE, as Mr. Clarence Walker does in his latest book!! AFROCENTRISM = NONSENSE = AFRO-NUTS = RUBBISH
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Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Wake up from your dream world, Afronut. I destroyed S.Mohammad's laughable (mis)reading of Briggs a long time ago. The African Type B is similar to Angel's Classic Mediterranean Type B. The only difference is that Briggs' acquired minor Negroid accretions in certain areas of Africa. Any of this ring a bell? Remember the plates of ugly white guys from Angel's book? Don't make me post them again. The only questions still awaiting answers are these. [This message has been edited by Evil Euro (edited 27 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Your backtracking is unconvincing and does not even begin to explain: In Table 16 we note the same parallels to ancient Lower Nubians that characterize Type B males, and the similarity to Derry's Siwa series is again strong, but we find also a strikingly close resemblance to a series of West African crania from Fernand Vaz in the Gaboon , is still far closer than is the rather tenuous resemblance between the males of Type B and those of Fernand Vaz.
Medit. race does not exist. It is a sham, and your dissembling merely help to reveal it as such. What you accomplished is the following: a) you aided S. Mohammad in demonstrating how utterly contrived the Medit. race concept is. b) revealed to us, that you don't actually believe your own rubbish, you merely assert it out of political necessity. You might as well be working with S. Mohammad, as a 'comic foil'. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 27 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
Topdog Junior Member Posts: 28 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote:
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rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Which is necessary for him to do, since the fake caucasian race concept was based on the notion that mankind originated in the caucasus mountains of Eurasia - exactly the opposite of what we know to be true today. Therefore backwards thinking is critical to Disney's ideology. Caucasian race theory is intellectually castrate. Its modern advocates merely overcompensate for the resultant impotence. However, many people are willing to be honest, and hence deserve to be taken more seriously.... While the term caucasian is still used for the lack of a better word in describing the peoples of western Eurasia, careful speakers generally limit the term to describe the inhabitants of the Caucasus region of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, especially when describing any specific ethnic or cultural traits. The word "Caucasian" is still sometimes used in popular terminology, but has no scientific meaning. Blumenbach declared that Europeans were the most beautiful people in the world, and that the most beautiful Europeans were to be found in the Caucasus mountains of what is now Georgia. His racial categorizations were based on skull measurements, however, rather than skin color, a fact which seriously undermines the validity of using Caucasian as a synonym for "white." The skull that led him to his questionable epiphany had been of a woman from the Caucusus region. Blumenbach believed that the human species had begun in the Caucusus as well. His reasoning, which eludes my comprehension, led him to conclude that the location of the most aesthetically appealing (to him) humans must also be that of the species' origin. http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=Caucasian
So, the long answer is that the members of the so-called Caucasian race aren’t really a valid group, and as such, populations under this Caucasian heading don’t have a common origin. http://www.madsci.org [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 27 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here we go again . . .
Angel's Type B:
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rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Since Disney has already been shown that his prison photos, bear no resemblance to the Gabonese Bantu-Nubian-Siwa-"Negroid" skeletal remains in question, we will move on.....
HLA genes allele distribution has been studied in Mediterranean and sub-Saharan populations. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, neighbour-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The population genetic relationships have been compared with the history of the classical populations living in the area. HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers. The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.) Much to our surprise, the reason why Greeks did not show a close relatedness with all the other Mediterraneans analyzed (Tables 5, 6 and Figs 1–3) was their genetic relationship with sub-Saharan ethnic groups now residing in Ethiopia, Sudan and West Africa (Burki-na-Fasso)*. Although some Greek DRB1 alleles are not completely specific of the Greek/sub-Saharan sharing, the list of alleles is self-explanatory. The conclusion is that part of the Greek genetic pool may be sub-Saharan and that the admixture has occurred at an uncertain but ancient time. The origin of the West African Black ethnic groups (Fulani, Mossi and Rimaibe sampled in Burkina-Fasso) is probably Ethiopian (26, 27) (Fig. 4). Both the Oromo and Amharic peoples live in the Ethiopian mountains (27). They obviously have in common a genetic back-ground with the west-African groups mentioned above.** [*Benin Hbs/E3b = west and east africa in greece] [**PN2 clade Y chromosome = common ancestry of Black Africans, by definition]
Linguistic, social, traditional and historical evidence supports an east-to-west migration of peoples through the Also, the time when admixture occurred could be after the overthrown of some of the Black Egyptian dynasties (Nubian or from other periods) or after undetermined natural catastrophes (i.e.: dryness). Indeed, ancient Greeks believed
Notes: All genetic cluster and treeness maps are subject to population sample, genetic test methodology and cluster conceptions. This is ultimately true of all such maps. Speaking of which.....back to the drawing board for EuroDisney. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 28 February 2005).] IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: Bingo. Because Briggs' Type B traveled across the Sahara and acquired some Negroid admixture. Angel's did not and remained Negroid-free, as my previous post demonstrated. Hence, S.Mohammad's whole premise collapses.
quote: Homeboy, Arnaiz-Villena's methods have been discredited, by Cavalli-Sforza himself, as well as other geneticists.
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Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: No one knows that better than you . . . http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/Forum8/HTML/001582.html IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote: ....as have you and your entire agenda. "The classification into races has proved to be a futile exercise." "The idea of race in the human species serves no purpose." - Cavalli-Sforza
quote: ...comes from putting the smack * down * on * you. We learn by doing. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 01 March 2005).] IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 177 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks for admitting, with your deafening silence and transparent attempt to change the subject, that you were wrong about Type B and HLA-DRB1. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2226 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() your deafening silence....i'm horse from laughing out loud at your million and one lame excuses for 'negroid' traits found in your TRANSPARENTLY FAKE medit type B.284x4-FIB-AS-FAST-AS-YOU-CAN caucazoid catagories. Which explains exactly why..... "The classification into races has proved to be a futile exercise." "The idea of race in the human species serves no purpose." - Cavalli-Sforza Have you* found * any * answers? Or would you rather I just ignore you altogether? [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 02 March 2005).] IP: Logged |
lamin Member Posts: 183 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() To Evil Euro: Your chart on supposed IQ's of Europeans Africans and others is no doubt from J.Phillipe Rushton who has been dismissed as a comical crank by serious researchers. Here's a funny guy who provoked lots of laughter when he said "you just can't have it all--balls and brains!" IP: Logged |
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