Topic: Negroid affinities in ancient Greece???
Evil Euro Member Posts: 148 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 02 February 2005 07:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by rasol: The 3rd Reich film propaganda also popularised this form of argument in Germany.They would show the images of the ideal Aryan, and contrast with the scowling Jew, pointing to the 'Semetic' features as sign of 'obvious' moral and intellectual degeneracy, that everyone 'knew' to be true anyway, or course. Then they'd shock cut to images of rats running thru the sewers of Germany and people dieing, in case they had been too subtle, up until then! It also looks like pure comedy today, so you have to remind yourself that base as it was, scared and angry often ignorant people, drunk on hate, ignored the complete lack of logic, the obvious contradictions, and bought into it anyway.
Stupid analogy. Germans and Jews come in many different phenotypes. Nordics and Mediterraneans represent single phenotypes. Therefore, comparing a metrically perfect Nordic to a metrically perfect Mediterranean can provide information regarding the similarities or differences between the two types. In this case, it shows them to be nearly identical in skeletal form, just as I stated. That Nazi tactic sounds more like Afronut propaganda that shows one photo of a dark-skinned Moor and extrapolates from it that "the Moors were black", which everyone 'knows' to be true anyway, of course. Pure comedy, indeed. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2149 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 02 February 2005 07:26 AM
Thought Writes:The Nazi's went to great lengths purge Germany of "impure" elements. Some Nazi's felt that they had to even get rid of Christianity and return to Paganism because the Near Eastern roots of the religion.
Indeed eliminating Judeo-Christianity was a next 'logical' step in the NAZI purification process. IP: Logged |
lamin Member Posts: 161 Registered: Nov 2004
posted 02 February 2005 10:51 AM
But note that Coon wrote a book titled "THE RACES OF EUROPE" and John Baker, another quack and hack, argued in his 1974 comic book that Africans were the last to arrive at the Homo sapiens level. IP: Logged |
Horemheb Member Posts: 882 Registered: Jan 2004
posted 02 February 2005 10:55 AM
the Nazi's never concidered a return to paganism. This is just more Afrocrentic mythology. They take a statement made by one person and try to expand it to the entire nazi organization. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2149 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 02 February 2005 12:28 PM
quote: the Nazi's never concidered a return to paganism. This is just more Afrocrentic mythology. They take a statement made by one person and try to expand it to the entire nazi organization.
ROTFL! The Professor is now speaking on behalf of the NAZI party. Tell us more! IP: Logged |
Horemheb Member Posts: 882 Registered: Jan 2004
posted 02 February 2005 01:03 PM
want more...we could say that you know even less about german history than you do about AE but then we know that history is not your concern but rather radical black politics.IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2149 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 02 February 2005 04:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Horemheb: want more...we could say that you know even less about german history
Ah, you disappoint us Professor. We thought you were going to pretend to know something about the history of the NAZI's. But evidently you are now afraid to even try. lol. Don't blame you really. IP: Logged |
Thought2 Member Posts: 978 Registered: May 2004
posted 03 February 2005 01:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Evil Euro: Germans and Jews come in many different phenotypes.
Thought Writes: Evil Euro seems to attribute greater diversity to Europeans than Africans. Science and COMMON SENSE indicate that the opposite is true. Humans have lived in Africa longer and Africa is larger than Europe, hence populations in Africa are more diverse in phenotype. This is why we see hot/dry adapted Africans like Oromo and hot/moist adapted Africans like the Yoruba. The genetic evidence from the PN2 transition proves that all of these Africans (including Berbers) share in closely related male lineages. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2149 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 25 February 2005 12:20 PM
Sicilian: IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 148 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 26 February 2005 07:33 AM
Instead of resurrecting old threads to post pictures of your Justin Timberlake-looking boyfriend, how about refuting these simple facts?IP: Logged |
Evil Euro Member Posts: 148 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 26 February 2005 07:33 AM
Instead of resurrecting old threads to post pictures of your Justin Timberlake-looking boyfriend, how about refuting these simple facts?IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 2149 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 26 February 2005 07:52 AM
TopDog writes: quote: Notice Evil Euro's silence after that explanation of the intermediate position- its deafening. Judging by inability to properly read and interpret a study.*Two possible explanations are offered: The first is recent gene flow from the Middle East, and the second is common ancestry shared with OOA migrants. The authors, citing previous research, favor the latter position* The fact that the authors favor the latter position refutes you, because you said this “On the Y-chromosome, judging by the language in the quote, we can assume that it's close to 50%. That's a whole lot of non-African DNA.”
So it actually refutes your argument that Somalis are hybrid mixtures of Eurasians and sub-Saharans. At least you’ve gathered this much and truly understand that you did in fact misinterpret the language in that quote. *What that says is that pre-historic East Africans were distinct from sub-Saharan Africans.*
What that says is that northeast Africans genetically fissioned off from sub-Saharans, no more no less. That fissioning occured long before there was any E3b. *So distinct in fact that their genetic legacy in East Africa causes modern populations to veer away from Africans and toward Eurasians.* What are you talking about? Prehistoric-East Africans were completely African in origin, not non-African, so that makes non-Africans closer to pre-historic East Africans, not the other way around. Non-Africans are descended from a small group of East Africans who migrated out of Africa. That makes Eurasians more closely related to East Africans than to other world populations. You have everything backwards. **This is terrible news for Afronuts who believe that OOA lineages like E3b make non-Africans more African. In reality, the opposite is true. They make the Africans who possess them less African and more Eurasian*
Terrible job at interpreting data. Eurasians who possess E3b are in reality more African and less Eurasian for the fact that both E3b and prehistoric East Africans are both African in origin and Eurasians descend from a small population in East Africa, not the other way around. Learn how to properly interpret studies, for those same studies you misinterpret state the reverse of everything you say.
quote: rasol writes: We have a winner.  EuroDisney exhibits: * Inability and/or lack of interest in accurately comprehending his own select citations. * Inability and/or unwillingness to answer the questions begged by the profound contradictions inherent in his irrational ethnocentric ideology. * Inability and/or unwillingness to honestly engage the issue of Southern Europes' heterogeneous heritage which includes ancestry from Black Africa.
[This message has been edited by rasol (edited 26 February 2005).] IP: Logged |