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posted 28 December 2004 05:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Penny     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do you think Egyptians lie more than other nationalities. Do they see it as lying or just stretching the truth, is it a national habit, a way of life, a joke or what.
What is the reason behind it and why is straight honesty so hard in their society.

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posted 28 December 2004 06:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laura     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Penny:
Do you think Egyptians lie more than other nationalities. Do they see it as lying or just stretching the truth, is it a national habit, a way of life, a joke or what.
What is the reason behind it and why is straight honesty so hard in their society.

OH MY GOSH Penny, don't even get me started on this one.

Yes Egyptians lie, yes others lie too. Some are even pathological liars. I did some extensive research into this after being involved with the latter. I think I could write a book at this point, but then there are already a million on the market now.

Lying is so destructive, and those who do it, are found out, sooner or later. Don't even bother confronting them on this, as they will either deny it, or else become mean and vindictive. I wasn't the only one who caught on to this, and yet after losing some very good friends, this person still continues lying. The best thing to do is RUN and run fast away from this person.

Habitual lying is a sickness, and professional help is a must.The problem is, that they usually never seek the help that is needed. You will often find that habitual liars also are drug/alcohol abusers also.

I spent over a year being involved with one, and I still am shocked and outraged at the lies I was told. You never forget the betrayal of friendship offered. I also feel quite stupid in that I believed even some of the most outrageous stuff, even when "alarm bells" were ringing everywhere from the very beginning.


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posted 28 December 2004 06:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MohdAnwar     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Penny:
Do you think Egyptians lie more than other nationalities. Do they see it as lying or just stretching the truth, is it a national habit, a way of life, a joke or what.
What is the reason behind it and why is straight honesty so hard in their society.

Dear Penny,
I am Egyptian and i ensure what u saying. yes Egyptians lieing too much i don't know why?. but i think may be cause they always under presure (sometimes plotical presure. other time eat presure,...etc) i don't give them execuses but that true.

Here the lieing percentage is too much so sorry to say so

Best Regards to u

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posted 28 December 2004 07:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Luxorlover     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Penny ; Egyptians do not lie - they invent their own truth. I think that eventually they convince themselves that what they have said is actually true and will then sometimes swear on the Koran that it is the truth. If they were to take a lie detector test they would pass it.

For some reason there are many Egyptians who are experts at this. However, this does not mean that all Egyptians are liars. But it does go some way to explaining why many Eopreans get into difficulties when they believe what they are told.

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posted 28 December 2004 07:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Penny     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Luxorlover:
Egyptians do not lie - they invent their own truth.

LOL... I also think it has something to do with many of them being wonderful storytellers and if you tell the story enough times fiction becomes truth. One man actually had me believing he kept pink camels on his farm, he was so convincing... but them maybe I am gullible

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posted 28 December 2004 08:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for akshar     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think it stems from an inability to say something bad or no i can't do that. so they say yes, or it is OK the train does go at that time and you will be able to see the temple first.

So they don't want to disappoint people so rather than telling the truth they will lie. This is true in government departments as well. Yes your papers will be ready.

So this then spills over WITH SOME of them to a complete inability to tell the truth under any circumstances.

I think fellow Egyptians know when they are lying and when they are telling the truth. I wish I knew how.

For example my husband always replies Inshahallah, now sometimes this means yes immediately, yes at some time soon, yes sometime before you die, probably no, defiantely not, no way on Gods earth. And I have no way of finding out which one. If it is important I will say I don't want Inshahallah I want Yes or No. I have tried to train him to say no. Say nothing, ok now take 'thing' of what do you have. I don't think his palate can form the words. (yes I have tried it in Arabic as well). sometimes I am really lucky and instead of inshahallah I get "we will see". Now that definately means NO

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posted 28 December 2004 03:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Penny     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
that went wrong will try again!

[This message has been edited by Penny (edited 28 December 2004).]

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posted 28 December 2004 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Penny     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Jane I have exactly the same problem with inshallah, but find myself also using it a lot these days. I also hear myself saying what my mother always said...'god helps those that help themselves'

I also hear 'we will see' but dam I had not got it translated yet!, so there goes the earings I was looking at the other day

Hope you are feeling better
All the best Penny

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Nile Watcher

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posted 28 December 2004 03:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nile Watcher     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lol My children know that "I'll think about it" means "Forget it 'cause there is no way it will ever happen." We all have our key words.

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posted 28 December 2004 04:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for akshar     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Inshahallah it means maybe with your hubby lol

Getting better but still weak, haven't left the house properly for a month!!!!!!!!! Dr getting happy though, thanks for asking.

Originally posted by Penny:
Jane I have exactly the same problem with inshallah, but find myself also using it a lot these days. I also hear myself saying what my mother always said...'god helps those that help themselves'

I also hear 'we will see' but dam I had not got it translated yet!, so there goes the earings I was looking at the other day

Hope you are feeling better
All the best Penny

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posted 28 December 2004 09:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sonomod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I find that if the Misyran respect you and find you of good character they will not decieve you.

Take for instance, my brother-in-law, the doctor/pharmacist. He did not get the research/study visa he wanted so he doesn't trust me as an American. He was really angry and will not forgive America. I cornered him conversationally that if he was accepted for the visa he would not be so vindictive towards me.

Though case in point my father and mother-in-law will not lie to me. If either of them catch my brothers-in-law not being truthful or harsh with me, Dad will drag them into the neighborhood Mosque and have them repent in front of the Sheik.

Though I have been more than honest, even when asked a question which a reply might bring pain or humilation to myself or others I have been honest. This shocks the **** out of my in-laws. My husband will often word a question in order to make lying easier for me, but I won't.

Somehow honesty and lack of tactfulness is also a trait of my husband, for the most part. He does lie to cover for others, but I find him out.

Eventhough my parents have failed miserably in many ways, lying was never allowed. White lies or what others call tactfulness wasn't even an option or a 'skill' for me untill I was near 25 years old.

Even when sightseeing, I noticed a difference between Allah fearing merchants/salesmen and indecent troublemakers. When buying something I was often given an outrageous price first and then someone would come over from another stall and point, shake and yell. Then the price dropped considerably. The pissed off dude/merchant had prayer beads in his hand and would smile and nod his head, gave me an Islamic blessing of some sort and told me to say hello to my father-in-law.

Misryans lie when they find they have no use for you. Sometimes it is reasonably understood for their deception and sometimes its just because they don't trust Khawagaas.

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posted 31 December 2004 08:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Natashiah     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Penny:
Do you think Egyptians lie more than other nationalities. Do they see it as lying or just stretching the truth, is it a national habit, a way of life, a joke or what.
What is the reason behind it and why is straight honesty so hard in their society. dear Penny...really by now you should know!

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posted 31 December 2004 09:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Penny     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Natashiah: dear Penny...really by now you should know!

Hi Natashiah hows it all going????

Yes true after 3 years I can answer my own questions. I think 2005 will see me on the path of .....if you can't beat them join them' way of life. No more brick walls for me. Should be fun

All the best for 2005

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posted 31 December 2004 10:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for thomas     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Penny:

come on!!! is the pope catholic????

Do you think Egyptians lie more than other nationalities. Do they see it as lying or just stretching the truth, is it a national habit, a way of life, a joke or what.
What is the reason behind it and why is straight honesty so hard in their society.

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posted 03 January 2005 06:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hassancheb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Penny:
Do you think Egyptians lie more than other nationalities. Do they see it as lying or just stretching the truth, is it a national habit, a way of life, a joke or what.
What is the reason behind it and why is straight honesty so hard in their society.

In my experience I've found that they lie more than most nationalities, but maybe they don't see it that way. And if you are a foreigner they will lie to you more.

If they tell you something cost $50, you best believe it only cost $20. If they tell you they will be their at 8:00 am, expect them around 1:00 pm. These are a whole lot of "little white lies" that add up too quickly.

And no offense, I'm gonna say some of them, so as not to generalize too much, but where there is a liar, there is also a thief! Some will steal right from under your nose. I have a friend that owned a sheep farm with some Egyptians working on it, and they stole a few sheep, and told him the sheep died, just one example.

And the women, are worst than the men, and will cry, cry, cry, if they are caught to try to make you feel bad. For example you may meet a village girl who moved to the city, and she could have you believing her dad is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and will swear on the Holy Koran, not knowing that you could be friends with the Minister and know his entire family.

Remember their favorite saying is "I swear", (Wallahi) and whenever someone uses this too much, you know they are lying!

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posted 03 January 2005 08:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sonomod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Keep in mind some ethnic groups are repulsively honest. I don't think you want really to deal with someone who is compulsively honest.

I know a Tibetan who worked in used car sales for years and didn't make a sale for the first 4 months. After that his sales still stunk. But the dealerships reputation did improve and brought in alot of ethnic Asians that knew they could trust him.

I still run into him once a while and he will ask me, "sonomod your face is so broke out, what is bothering you?" "The bags under your pretty eyes are so hideous, aren't you sleeping?" Then I will hear a litany of way too honest comedy improve of how drunk and stupid his neighbors are, and of course I have my own tales in that department.

So honesty can be a bad thing too. Lack of commissions has hurt this guy.

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posted 04 January 2005 10:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for morphia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yes, i can say that they are liers. because they want to be convincing and be trusted by everybody. but, so sad thru their lies they are hiding their personality and avoiding the feeling of guilt.

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posted 04 January 2005 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AylaLake     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've lived in Africa all my life, in various countries, and in general - and this includes my children - when you ask a question, you will get the answer that the person thinks will please you the most. When they discover that it does indeed please you, then the answer will be embellished next time someone asks the same question, and so on and so on ..... until it is so far from the truth.

I don't believe it's done with malice.

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posted 04 January 2005 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Luxorlover     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Michelle - believe it or not for once we totally agree - is there a chance that we will be civil to each other one day

The "I swear" bit is something I hear every day and it can cover the most hienous of lies. Margaret Thatcher summed it up very nicely when she said "If you have to tell someone that you are powerful or that you are a lady, then you are not". This can be applied to truth too. If someone swears they are telling the truth or tells you that you can trust them, then you cannot. If it was reality then it would not need to be stated.

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posted 06 January 2005 08:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thieves and liars walk hand in hand. If I had to choose between the two I would go for the thief because with a thief you know where you stand, with a liar you dont.

But worst of all is the thieving liar because you are not sure whether you have been robbed or not. The market place is full of them, look at Robert Maxwell for example.

I wont tell a lie on this, but I havent met a single Egyptian who wasnt after getting my money. To outright take it they have never done, but to get it by lying most of them try. The moral of this is that whilst we would see it as deception, egyptians dont seem to see it this way. Provided you (if you are stupid enough) to "give" it to them, then they havent "stolen" it.Technically that is right, but morally it is still wrong. But then I havent come across many people here who seem to have morals as we know them in the west. This maybe why so many people get "duped" out of their money. Charlie

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posted 07 January 2005 04:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Luxorlover     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Charlie - according to the Cynic's Dictionary - "morality is a traditional code of decency that went out of the window at about the same time as belief in eternal damnation."

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posted 07 January 2005 05:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ramyshaut     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Salama topic religion:

I swear by God-this has happened

but i don't think this a egypt thing

more liek a muslim arabic thing !!

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posted 07 January 2005 11:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sonomod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ramyshaut:
Salama topic religion:

I swear by God-this has happened

but i don't think this a egypt thing

more liek a muslim arabic thing !!

Shove it up your ass!!!

You know George W Bush is not arab and not muslim.

Its a person to person thing!!!


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posted 09 January 2005 11:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Troubles101     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by
Thieves and liars walk hand in hand. If I had to choose between the two I would go for the thief because with a thief you know where you stand, with a liar you dont.

But worst of all is the thieving liar because you are not sure whether you have been robbed or not. The market place is full of them, look at Robert Maxwell for example.

I wont tell a lie on this, but I havent met a single Egyptian who wasnt after getting my money. To outright take it they have never done, but to get it by lying most of them try. The moral of this is that whilst we would see it as deception, egyptians dont seem to see it this way. Provided you (if you are stupid enough) to "give" it to them, then they havent "stolen" it.Technically that is right, but morally it is still wrong. But then I havent come across many people here who seem to have morals as we know them in the west. This maybe why so many people get "duped" out of their money. Charlie

Sokarya you don't seem to like Egyptians, Good news! because we don't like you as well and when we (the muslim fundemntal terrorists) jump to getover the coming govrnmen we surely will be pleased to look for you and punish you according to Islamic Law by taking off your pants in Public before shipping you back to the hell you came from...Enjoy as much as you can before that day

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posted 29 January 2005 06:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for egyptguy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by
Thieves and liars walk hand in hand. If I had to choose between the two I would go for the thief because with a thief you know where you stand, with a liar you dont.

But worst of all is the thieving liar because you are not sure whether you have been robbed or not. The market place is full of them, look at Robert Maxwell for example.

I wont tell a lie on this, but I havent met a single Egyptian who wasnt after getting my money. To outright take it they have never done, but to get it by lying most of them try. The moral of this is that whilst we would see it as deception, egyptians dont seem to see it this way. Provided you (if you are stupid enough) to "give" it to them, then they havent "stolen" it.Technically that is right, but morally it is still wrong. But then I havent come across many people here who seem to have morals as we know them in the west. This maybe why so many people get "duped" out of their money. Charlie


its easy to beat the liars of egypt (or anyplace). DO NOT BELIEVE!! SEE PROOF!!!

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posted 30 January 2005 02:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sumaika     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do egyptians tell the truth???

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posted 30 January 2005 10:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Karah_Mia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Luxorlover:
Michelle - believe it or not for once we totally agree - is there a chance that we will be civil to each other one day

The "I swear" bit is something I hear every day and it can cover the most hienous of lies. Margaret Thatcher summed it up very nicely when she said "If you have to tell someone that you are powerful or that you are a lady, then you are not". This can be applied to truth too. If someone swears they are telling the truth or tells you that you can trust them, then you cannot. If it was reality then it would not need to be stated.

This quote of Maggie is one of my favorites! LouLou, you might remember from the conversation with my husband that he does 'swear' when getting emotional during conversation... He swears mostly though when explaining some Islamic issues, less when talking about 'real life'... 'Swearing syndrome' sometimes occur when the individual is highly engaged in the dispute and overall emotional.
In general I completely agree that if there is a need to emphasize the truth of the statement it automatically puts it into question. And Egyptians SWEAR on EVERYTHING quite a lot indeed...

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posted 02 February 2005 08:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for egyptguy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sumaika:
Do egyptians tell the truth???


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posted 21 February 2005 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sofia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have to say...that's a good one!! LOL I'll have to remember that with when talking with my friend from Egypt...

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posted 22 February 2005 05:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for wizza     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Telling lies is a human trait (flaw), as opposed to it being linked to any single ethnicity.
Bad experiences do not warrant such an unfair, skewed and subjective post :-(

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posted 23 February 2005 08:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MENTAL PROBLEM     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have just returned from a trip to egypt and examples:
1. Egyptian lawyer told the cost of issuing Int'l driver's license is LE400. I found out it's under 100

2. Taxi driver swore fare is 40. It dropped to 20 when I began to walk away.

3. salesman tried to sell me a shirt that had a PRICE TAG OF LE67 for LE180. he did not know i could read the numerals!

does being a foriegner = idiot ?
do they feel shameless for LYING??

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posted 23 February 2005 09:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancanfrench2005     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
menatl problem, i know a good doctor who can give you a medicine for your mental problem.
I will tell you something baby, if you donot enjoy in egypt no one force you to come here. ok

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posted 23 February 2005 12:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sonomod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by MENTAL PROBLEM:
I have just returned from a trip to egypt and examples:
1. Egyptian lawyer told the cost of issuing Int'l driver's license is LE400. I found out it's under 100

2. Taxi driver swore fare is 40. It dropped to 20 when I began to walk away.

3. salesman tried to sell me a shirt that had a PRICE TAG OF LE67 for LE180. he did not know i could read the numerals!

does being a foriegner = idiot ?
do they feel shameless for LYING??

Its kind of historic. A sultan from Mali went through several centuries ago and to put it accuractely if you were donald trump and couldn't read the numerals or argue about being ripped off. Well that explains his trip to Mecca. He had to borrow money in Cairo for his return trip to Mali, and yes he was charged interest (Very UnIslamic).

Mind you Cairo was an inbetween spot to change caravans and off load or pick up merchandise to or from the far east. Then the Spanish explorer Gama could the Cape of Good Hope. Most Traders cared about quality, quanity, variety, not price.

Yes it has become customary, its in the fabric of soceity. Its nothing against you. Now try to change 1200 years of commerce isn't going to happen overnight.

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posted 23 February 2005 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MENTAL PROBLEM     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by MENTAL PROBLEM:
I have just returned from a trip to egypt and examples:
1. Egyptian lawyer told the cost of issuing Int'l driver's license is LE400. I found out it's under 100

2. Taxi driver swore fare is 40. It dropped to 20 when I began to walk away.

3. salesman tried to sell me a shirt that had a PRICE TAG OF LE67 for LE180. he did not know i could read the numerals!

does being a foriegner = idiot ?
do they feel shameless for LYING??

despite relentless attempts by locals to swindle me or cheat me, I DID LIKE THE COUNTRY : from the museam to the cuisine, from young pple's smiles to the hotel services

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posted 23 February 2005 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sonomod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know you did Mental Problem. I have a feeling they liked you too.

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